Contemporary color field painting

Hans-Jörg Holubitschka (1960 – 2016) was German artist and a former masterpupil from Gerhard Richter at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. He was also teaching at The Ruhrakademie Schwerte painting. He lived and worked in Düsseldorf.

With his new serial of Golf-landscape paintings which you can also name as cultural-landscapes or soul landscapes he focused on this topic in a very sophisticatedmanner. These works are perfectly integrated in their expression and composition into his landscape works. Also these works are characterized by high colour intensity, powerful expression and theiruniqueness. They look like “kitsch” but they brings the recipient about this irritation into a direct dialog. His works are a new development of thecolorfield painting from the Amercian artists like  Mark Rothko,Barnett Newman or Clyfford Still.

In celebration of his milestone birthday Dr. Johann Georg Prinz zu Hohenzollern gave an interview. To look up in One’s Prime, Kultur und Lebensstil – Munich. The author Alexandra Lautenbacher writes:” In his appartment in the Prinzregentenstraße a tableauof the painter Hans-Jörg Holubitschka,  a masterpupil from Gerhard Richter is gleaming over the sofa.  It shoes Castle Sigmaringen on the Swabian Alps.” Dr. Johann Georg Prinz zu Hohenzollern was from 1986 – 1991 chief executive Manager of the Bavarian National Museums, from 1992 – 1998 chief executive Manager of  the Bavarian  State collections of paintings and from 1998 – 2006 Director of the  art gallery of the Hypo-Foundation, Munich.



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