Strange occurrences on the edge of the everyday: [….] Pushing open the door to the labyrinth “world” Balance searching on the smooth curvature of your surface.
Julian Heynen on the exhibition Double Trouble
Artworks (Selection)
Ralf Fritz Berger Right Ego
Ralf Fritz Berger Ralf Berger,
Ralf Fritz Berger „Hintenherum”
86 cm x 62 cm
Ralf Fritz Berger Hurrah
Ralf Fritz Berger Hurrah
Posthistorical melancholy
Ralf Fritz Berger Fresh Environment
Der Performer sitzt in einer hochkant gestellten Tiefkühltruhe. Eine transparente Plastiktüte mit quadratischen Eiswürfeln liegt auf seinem Kopf. Das Bild wird live aus der Tiefkühltruhe übertragen. Das Vorhaben ist solange auszuharren, bis die Eiswürfel kraft Wärmeübertragung, geschmolzen sind
Ralf Fritz Berger In Principle
Ralf Berger (* 1961 in Düsseldorf) is a German artist who has continuously introduced by his work a new concept of artistic material in the visual arts or their special discipline of formingsculpture: The own body.
Ralf Fritz Berger is a German artist who, through his work, has continuously introduced a new concept of artistic material into the visual arts and its special discipline of sculpture: The own body. He links the visual media, photography, video, object art and the medium of action performance to an existential sculptural design that postulates the human being as a measure of the value of art.
Other exhibition venues
The Tannery, London
Städtisches Museum Abteiberg
Hamburger Bahnhof Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin
The State Russian Museum; Benois Wing, St. Petersburg
Fundacion Marcelino Botin, Santander, Spanien
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
Art studio visit
Take the opportunity to ask Ralf Fritz Berger at the place of art production in a personal conversation about his work and to look at new works.