My work is about energy. Not the representation of or the telling about – but the direct action analogous to nature.
Susanne Giring
Artworks (Selection)

Susanne Giring BIN ICH DAS (It IS ME)
Chalk drawing on paper
146 x 100 cm

Susanne Giring Einfall, Zufall, Licht (Incident, coincidence, light)
Chalk drawing on paper
146 x 100 cm

Susanne Giring Don’t provoke me

Susanne Giring Twister
150 cm x 200 cm
Collage and pastel chalk on paper

Susanne Giring Pool II
57,08 x 118,11 inches
oil on canvas

Susanne Giring Ice II
Susanne Giring is born 1971 in Gotha. She studied in the class of Jan Dibbets at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf as a master pupil and lives and works in Düsseldorf.
Susanne Giring is a lecturer in drawing at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences. In the fall of 2020, she received a scholarship for visual artists from the Stiftung Kunstfonds.
She finds the templates for her neoromantic landscapes on her travels. In the vastness and infinity of nature the artist discovers his existenceand also the limitedness of his actions. In this environment, she feels herloneliness and also lost herself in the face of unruly nature, which must not take any consideration of the individual.
This feeling is comparable with the process of painting. The artists experience their creative process in the solitude of their actions. Similar to the power of nature, which combines both creative and destructive elements, the artist is placed in the process of painting between hope and failure in their creative process.
Susanne Giring has exhibited in numerous institutions and well establishedgalleries in the past. She was awarded travel and catalog scholarships by the landNorthrhine-westfalia. Her works are found in many prestigious private collections.
Art studio visit
Take the opportunity to ask Susanne Giring about her work in a personal conversation at the place of art production and to view new works.

Exhibition venues
Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden Baden
Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld
Herzliya Museum of Art, Israel
Neuer Aachener Kunstverein
Ikob Eupen
Baumwollspinnerei Leipzig
Kunstverein und Kunsthalle Recklinghausen
Förderverein Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Kunststiftung NRW
Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn

Susanne Giring Tropical leaves

Susanne Giring Tropische Blätter (Tropical leafs)

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