Opening: Sunday,
November 27, 2022, 4 – 7 p.m.
Exhibition: 28.11.2022 – 15.1.2023
Visit by appointment
Grupellostr. 8
40210 Düsseldorf
With this new exhibition under the title “From Dream to Picture” we show the somnambulistic works that Adolf Bierbrauer created, in addition to his sculptures, from the 1960s until the end of his life (1915-2012).
Previously – after his return from Russian war captivity (1945-1949) and his experiences as a medical doctor, he went to the psychiatric hospital in Grafenberg to cure people suffering from depression. At that time it was not unusual to treat patients with electric shocks against strong depressions. Bierbrauer – throughout his life always an artist – painted the hypnosis pictures during the treatment according to the descriptions of his patients who appeared in the trance state, in order to discuss them with them afterwards. Bazon Brock pointed out at that time that these hypnosis pictures of the 50s are on the absolutely highest level of his time, both artistically and formally.
From the 60’s Bierbrauer as a psychotherapist stopped his hypnosis treatment with the patients, because he noticed during the self-control (supervision did not exist at that time) to paint himself with green ears or green head. He stopped doing this and from then on, when he painted, he went into a somnambulistic state – that is, daydream-like, without self-control, or self-censorship. These new works partly show similarities to the informal art of the 1960s (see Emil Schumacher or Emilio Vedova), but also occasionally recall abstract works by Gerhard Richter. With their inscriptions and punctuations, they additionally show painterly references that can also be discovered in works by Jean-Michel Basquiat or also Jonathan Meese, thus also very contemporary.
Bierbrauer refused the art market almost to the end of his life. He believed that prospective buyers could not appreciate the significance of his artworks and sold his works only very cautiously and hesitantly. Nevertheless, it is good to see that with the first major exhibition of his paintings at the NRW-Forum with the start of the new Millineum, his works are not only appreciated in Germany, but are now also sought after by collectors in China, France, Italy, Holland, Switzerland and the USA.
We are therefore particularly pleased to be able to present a selection of interesting and previously unseen works in this new presentation. We hereby cordially invite you to visit the exhibition.
With best regards
Martin Leyer-Pritzkow